Resume extraction & segregation made simple

CV / Resume Parsing Software -Automated, highly accurate, supports all formats

As a process resume parsing software does a numerous number of tasks. It converts the unstructured format of the resumes in a structured format, it extracts the relevant information from the resume and it also identifies varied formats and segregates it. Resume parser, analyses data and extracts into machine-readable output such as XML or JSON.

All resumes are not same and all have a different format. Hence, all HR’s have faced the tedious job of going through the whole resume (no matter how big), every time to extract the relevant information. Relieve yourself of stress and let the LakeB2BConnect automation do the job for you.

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Our resume parsing service extracts the relevant information from every Resume. It extracts information from any given resume and converts it into a structured format. Our CV parsing and Resume Parsing Software enables you to parse, store and search categorically through several applicant sources at once. LakeB2BConnect resume parsing software supports all types of formats including .doc, .docx, .pdf, .rtf, and .txt.

Resumes can be submitted either one at a time or in a bulk through archive format. Apart from the hard work it saves the recruiters a lot of precious time.

You might think whether you can or you should skip this step or not. Be that as it may, this process will serve you in the long run and will save your countless hours! Here are a few reasons include resume parsing in your hiring strategy.

Let’s get a quick view that what resume parsing actually does

  • To build the unstructured form of a resume into a structured form. Hence, a resume parser acts as a compiler or interpreter.
  • To quickly help you identify the most relevant resumes based on your criteria i.e. it acts as a component that automatically segregates the information into various fields and parameters.
  • A resume/CV parser builds a data structure; a “parse tree,” or an abstract syntax tree by taking input in the form of a sequence of program instructions.

The task of extracting data and arranging it in a meaningful way is hard on a computer, especially when it’s a resume, here are the reasons why:

Language varies indefinitely: There are so many different ways a profile can be presented. There are thousands of formats for dates, occupation, credentials, academic background, etc. Even a computer is not capable of analyzing every possible format especially in the available time frame. A resume parsing  software tool captures all these different ways of writing the same thing through complex rules and statistical algorithms. Hence it’s a program dedicated to recognizing the various formats and simplifying them.

Language is ambiguous: The same word or phrase can mean different things in different contexts.

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