Applicant Tracking System (ATS Software) is a software that makes the process of recruitment much easier by searching and segregating the relevant information on your behalf. An ATS Software can be used via internet from anywhere and it can be implemented on various sizes of businesses. There is also option of choosing from free or […]

What Is Resume Parsing Software? How Does Resume Parser Work?
What is Resume Parsing Software? Resume parsing is a complicated process. It takes years of experience and hard work to make a software that actually does the job with utmost accuracy. A resume parsing software is basically a context based software which is able to recognize the relevant information from the documents and present them […]
How Recruitment Software Outperforms Simple ATS
ATS vs Recruitment Software: Tracking, storing and sourcing the applicant data is just a part of the recruitment process. A simple ATS can perform this job. But an end to end recruitment process is comprised of several workflows. Only recruitment software is competent enough to handle all the workflows in an organized manner. Recruitment Software […]

9 Powerful Reasons You Need Recruitment Software
Are you satisfied with your recruiting procedure? A general complaint about recruiting is that it’s not organized. If you are one of them, then it’s time to opt for a recruitment software. To say in one line “Recruitment software resolves the chaos created by manual process.” Most of the companies till date are using manual […]