Manage insurance documentation with LakeB2BConnect insurance module

Track and avail proper insurance benefits for your employees

The insurance is provided by various companies for their employees. It’s an arrangement which shows that the company values its employees and acts as an encouragement. More than often insurance benefits provided by an employer saves the headache of employee hiring and retention, as it makes the people stay.


Now an insurance process requires lots of documentation and it goes on for a long period of time. We at LakeB2BConnect , with our insurance module do that work for you. It records all the data for you and it makes tracking extremely easy. LakeB2BConnect insurance module is fully automated and customizable to the minute detail. In a way our services can be tailored from the scratch to suit your business model. Let’s see some benefits of LakeB2BConnect insurance module:

  • It makes the sharing of the documents extremely easy. The amount of documentation an insurance policy needs and the way it multiplies in ongoing years is a serious pile of documents which although being bulky, is mandatory and cannot be avoided at any cost. Generally the insurance is always a long term venture, so whenever it is used, it has to be tracked back from the time it started. Manually doing this is tedious and time talking. LakeB2BConnect insurance module is automated and can be customized. Hence, it makes the search and availability of documents via tracking extremely easy.
  • This system is extremely fast. It saves a lot of time which is critical in the case of life and health insurance as all formalities can be completed much faster.
  • The authenticity and the security of the documents are maintained. The records need to be preserved. The manual preservation takes lots of space and it takes real care over a period of time to be maintained properly. In the case of insurance it is critical, as an insurance claim will only be released when all the documentation is done. LakeB2BConnect insurance module is an integrated and comprehensive system which has all the features displayed by an advanced Electronic Document Management System (EDMS). Hence it allows you to instantly access all the documents of the previous and current years and acts as an authentic reference system. The module is built on salesforce (Best CRM Platform), which insures the security and eliminates duplicity or any mal practices.
  • Being on an online CRM platform, allows it to accessed, from anywhere in the world and from any given devices. Hence, you always have backup on the go. It is an administrative prerequisite to have the capacity to create unique and decipherable duplicates of records and having a solid backup.
  • It will reduce the archiving cost spent by the organizations. Our Central filing and document tracking is automated and it eliminates the need of manual filing to a great extent.
  • It is easier to update the records in a centralized system

If as an organization you are providing employees with the insurance cover, then we will help you manage that in the most efficient ways possible based on your requirements.



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